ICL Surgery for High Myopia: Correcting Vision Beyond Glasses

ICL Surgery for High Myopia: Working, Benefits and More

In today’s world, where vision plays a crucial role in our daily lives, technologies like ICL surgery offer hope to individuals suffering from high myopia. High myopia, also known as severe nearsightedness, can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. However, with the advancements in medical science, the ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens) surgery procedure has emerged as an effective solution to correct vision and reduce dependency on glasses or contact lenses. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of ICL surgery for high myopia, its benefits, eligibility criteria, the surgical process, recovery, potential risks and frequently asked questions surrounding the procedure.

Understanding High Myopia

Understanding High Myopia

High myopia refers to a condition where an individual experiences significant difficulty in seeing distant objects. It occurs when the eyeball is longer than average or the cornea is steeper than usual. This leads to light rays focusing in front of the retina instead of directly on it.

This refractive error results in blurred vision and may be accompanied by symptoms like headaches, eyestrain, and squinting. While glasses or contact lenses can help correct vision to some extent, individuals with high myopia often require stronger prescriptions and may still face limitations in daily activities.

What Is ICL Surgery?

ICL surgery, also known as implantable contact lens surgery or phakic IOL surgery, is a refractive procedure designed to correct high myopia. Unlike LASIK or PRK surgeries that reshape the cornea, ICL surgery involves placing a micro-thin lens called the ICL between the natural lens and the iris. The ICL is made of a biocompatible material called Collamer. This allows it to be implanted without causing any adverse reactions within the eye.

Benefits of ICL Surgery for High Myopia

Benefits of ICL Surgery for High Myopia

ICL surgery offers several advantages for individuals with high myopia:

  • High Myopia Correction: ICL surgery can correct a wide range of refractive errors, including high myopia, providing clear and crisp vision.
  • Quality of Vision: ICL lenses are designed to provide excellent visual quality, with minimal risk of glare, halos, or reduced contrast sensitivity.
  • Reversible Procedure: Unlike some other vision correction surgeries, ICL surgery is reversible, meaning the lens can be removed or replaced if necessary.
  • Stable Results: The outcomes of ICL surgery tend to be stable over time, providing long-lasting vision correction.
  • Preservation of Corneal Integrity: ICL surgery does not involve reshaping the cornea, making it a suitable option for individuals with thin or irregular corneas.
  • UV Protection: The Collamer material of the ICL provides UV protection, which helps safeguard the eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays.

Eligibility for ICL Surgery

Not everyone with high myopia may be eligible for ICL surgery. The suitability for the procedure is determined through a comprehensive eye examination conducted by an experienced ophthalmologist. Factors that are typically considered include:

  • Age: ICL surgery is generally recommended for individuals between the ages of 21 and 45, as the eyes should have reached their full growth potential.
  • Stable Prescription: The vision prescription should remain stable for at least one year before considering ICL surgery.
  • Eye Health: The candidate should have healthy eyes free from any significant eye diseases, infections, or conditions such as glaucoma or cataracts.
  • Corneal Thickness: Adequate corneal thickness is essential for the safe placement of the ICL.
  • Realistic Expectations: Candidates must have realistic expectations about the outcomes and limitations of the surgery, as discussed during the consultation with the ophthalmologist.

Preparing for ICL Surgery

Before undergoing ICL surgery, it is important to follow the pre-operative instructions provided by the ophthalmologist. These may include:

  • Medical Evaluation: A thorough medical evaluation will be conducted to ensure you are in good overall health and not taking any medications. These may interfere with the surgery.
  • Ceasing Contact Lens Use: Contact lenses need to be discontinued for a specific period before the surgery to allow accurate measurements of the eye’s natural shape.
  • Arranging Transportation: Since ICL surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia, arranging transportation for the day of the surgery is recommended.

The ICL Surgery Procedure

The ICL Surgery Procedure

ICL surgery is a relatively straightforward outpatient procedure that usually takes around 15 to 30 minutes per eye. The general steps involved in the surgery are as follows:

  • Administering Anesthesia: Eye drops are used to numb the eyes, ensuring a painless experience during the procedure.
  • Creating Micro-Incisions: Tiny incisions are made at the edge of the cornea to allow the insertion of the ICL.
  • Placing the ICL: The foldable ICL is gently inserted through the incision and positioned behind the iris and in front of the natural lens.
  • Positioning and Adjustment: The surgeon ensures proper alignment and adjusts the ICL for optimal vision correction.
  • Closing the Incisions: The micro-incisions are self-sealing and do not require stitches.

During the surgery, you may experience a sensation of pressure or mild discomfort, but it should not be painful. Most individuals can return home on the same day of the surgery.

Recovery and Post-operative Care

After the ICL surgery, it is crucial to follow the post-operative care instructions provided by the ophthalmologist. These may include:

  • Eye Shield: A protective eye shield is typically provided to be worn at night for a few days to prevent accidental rubbing of the eyes.
  • Eye Drops: Prescribed eye drops need to be administered as directed to promote healing, prevent infection, and reduce inflammation.
  • Avoiding Eye Rubbing: It is essential to avoid rubbing the eyes during the recovery period to prevent any damage to the implanted ICL.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor the healing process and assess visual acuity.

It is normal to experience some blurred vision, glare, or halos in the initial days after surgery. However, vision gradually improves over time as the eyes heal.

Results and Efficacy of ICL Surgery

ICL surgery has shown high success rates in providing significant vision correction for high myopia. The outcomes of the surgery are often remarkable with a notable improvement in visual acuity. Many individuals experience clearer and sharper vision, allowing them to reduce their dependence on corrective eyewear.

The efficacy of ICL surgery for high myopia has been demonstrated in numerous studies. Patients often achieve vision correction within a short period after the procedure, with stable results over the long term. The refractive error is significantly reduced, enabling individuals to enjoy a better quality of life and engage in activities. This is without the constant need for glasses or contact lenses.

It’s important to note that the level of vision correction achieved may vary depending on factors. These are such as the severity of high myopia and the individual’s specific eye characteristics. The ophthalmologist will discuss the expected outcomes and set realistic expectations during the pre-operative consultations.

Potential Risks and Complications

Potential Risks and Complications

As with any surgical procedure, ICL surgery carries some risks, although they are generally rare and manageable. It’s essential to be aware of potential complications, which may include:

  • Infection: While the risk of infection is minimal, it is a possibility. Following the post-operative care instructions and using prescribed eye drops diligently can help mitigate this risk.
  • Increased Intraocular Pressure: In some cases, the surgery may cause temporary increases in intraocular pressure. Close monitoring during the recovery period helps identify and address this issue if it arises.
  • Cataract Formation: Although rare, the presence of an ICL may contribute to the development of cataracts over time. Regular eye examinations are necessary to detect any changes and take appropriate measures if needed.
  • Glare or Halos: Some individuals may experience glare or halos around lights, especially in low-light conditions. These visual disturbances are usually temporary and diminish as the eyes adapt to the ICL.

It’s important to discuss any concerns or questions about the potential risks and complications with your ophthalmologist before deciding on surgery.

Cost of ICL Surgery

The cost of ICL surgery can vary depending on factors such as the surgeon’s experience, the facility, geographic location, and any additional services included in the package. The total cost typically encompasses pre-operative evaluations, surgical fees, post-operative care, and follow-up visits.

It is advisable to consult with ophthalmologists or clinics specializing in refractive surgeries to obtain accurate cost estimates. Additionally, it may be beneficial to check if insurance coverage or financing options are available to help with the expenses.


ICL surgery offers a promising solution for individuals with high myopia seeking a long-term and effective vision correction option. With its ability to correct severe nearsightedness, ICL surgery provides clear and crisp vision, reducing dependency on glasses or contact lenses. The procedure is relatively safe and has shown high success rates in achieving significant vision improvement.

By understanding the eligibility criteria, the surgical process, the recovery period, and potential risks, individuals can make informed decisions regarding ICL surgery. It is crucial to consult with an experienced ophthalmologist. This is who can evaluate your specific case, answer your questions, and guide you through the entire process.

Experience the freedom of clear vision and reclaim your visual independence with ICL surgery—a life-changing solution for high myopia.

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