Frequently Asked Questions

We believe that everyone has the right to see things clearly. That is why we have chosen to devote our life to offering people with the finest eye doctors available.

It’s perfectly understandable to be wary of the potential side effects associated with certain surgical procedures. Rest assured, no cases of vision loss have been reported due to refractive surgery in light of ophthalmologists’ expertise and experience administering LASIK treatments. The advanced Excimer laser is controlled by a computer that expertly programs specific treatment needs for each patient – reducing any risks significantly. Even in rare instances when corneal inflammation or infection occur post-surgery, they can swiftly be remedied by ensuring sterile conditions during the procedure and having patients take prescribed medicinal drops for one week afterward. In addition, upon the completion of your eye examination, our team will keep you informed about any risks that may accompany it. Such potential dangers include but are not limited to: wound healing issues in the corneal flap; dry eyes; ongoing discomfort and/or pain; blurry vision; increased sensitivity to light exposure and infection.

The recovery period after LASIK surgery can last anywhere from 24 hours to one week. Most patients return to their normal routine within a day or two of the procedure, yet it usually takes up to two months for your eyesight to fully settle. However, what’s unique about this operation is that you will likely have clear vision almost immediately! On average, many individuals can drive as soon as the next day – and often even on the same day – following their LASIK treatment. Though everyone recovers at different rates, most continue to see an increase in sight clarity with each passing day.

Over the past twenty years, Lasik Technology has been revolutionized—from basic to customized and then advanced Aspheric Lasik. To further enhance results while eliminating complications, modern technology such as SBK Laser & iFSTM (Femtosecond Laser) are widely used for Blade Free Lasik. The thin flap technique also provides great corneal strength post-surgery by creating slimmer flaps than traditional methods. With these advancements in place, patients can now rest assured that their vision corrections will be of superior quality! Traditional flap Lasik is often the preferred treatment, since it utilizes identical methods but with varying thickness in the flap. Conversely, when corneal thickness isn’t sufficient for traditional Lasik, thin flap Lasik may be recommended as an alternative.

Prior to surgery, contact lens wearers must abstain from wearing them the day of and at least two weeks before. Rigid Gas Permeable (RGP), semi-soft or hard contacts should be taken out up to fourteen days in advance while soft lenses require only a week off beforehand. This is essential as contact lenses rest on top of the cornea which may interfere with your procedure by changing its shape, plus they can also contain microscopic germs that could infect your eye during surgery.

For the day of your surgery, please avoid wearing any makeup, perfume or hair-care products as their vapors could interfere with the sensitive laser. It’s also essential to have a friend come along with you on this special day; driving right after surgery is not recommended due to blurry vision which might be encountered.

To facilitate a successful visit to the center, please arrive promptly at your designated time. Don’t forget to bring proof of insurance coverage and an up-to-date list of all current medications you are taking.

With the advancement of Lasik technology, multiple categories have been created to ensure precise, accurate and reliable results. However, it is essential for you to have a complete preoperative examination before your LASIK procedure in order for these benefits to be realized. Through this evaluation process, we are able to make sure that your eyes will benefit from the latest advancements in Lasik on the market today!

Lasik is a swift and virtually painless process. To correct both eyes, the procedure only requires around 10 minutes of your time—of which 20-50 seconds are used to adjust vision with a laser depending on prescription strength and amount of correction needed. After the operation concludes, plan for an additional 90 minutes in the surgeon’s office before you can venture home; without glasses, Lasik patients will be able to see clearly upon departure!

Most Lasik Surgery patients worry about whether their eyesight will be improved after the procedure. Fortunately, medical studies and evidence demonstrate that once your cornea has received laser reshaping treatment through Lasik Laser, those changes are typically permanent! This means you’ll likely enjoy restored vision for years to come following a successful LASIK surgery.

Although there are some cases where a second surgery may be required to maximize the effectiveness of your vision correction, this is usually only if the original treatment did not achieve as much success as intended or you have noticed your eyesight slowly diminishing. For most people though, LASIK can provide long-term and permanent results in just one procedure!

If you are exploring the possibilities of Lasik Surgery, it is essential to have a realistic perspective on what to anticipate from this process. Although many people who get lasik surgery achieve 20/20 vision or better, there’s no assurance that your eyesight will be restored in full.

Contrary to popular belief, LASIK is not a painful procedure. Anesthetic drops are placed in the eye to ensure you don’t feel any discomfort during the operation; however, some patients may experience light pressure sensations around their eyes. Post-operation symptoms include what many describe as gritty or binding feelings for several hours afterwards. For optimal recovery, your ophthalmologist will prescribe pain medication and advise plenty of rest following LASIK surgery.

Let’s face it, the most challenging part about LASIK is typically waiting for it to begin. Yet once this momentous procedure has taken place and you’ve come out of recovery, you’ll be delighted with your newfound improved vision — not to mention how fast-acting those results are! It won’t take long before you’re seeing the world in a new way.

LASIK has been proven to be not only an effective, but also a safe treatment. However, everyone is not cut out for this procedure – so it’s essential that you undergo a preoperative assessment beforehand in order to determine your eligibility. If you are deemed unsuitable for the process and proceed anyway, the results could be significantly diminished.

The FDA has made it clear that you must be at least 18 years old to consider Lasik vision surgery. You can still have the procedure done afterwards, however your ophthalmologist will need to assess whether or not there are any health issues with regards to cataract and other eye diseases. It is imperative that your eyes maintain a consistent level of vision before undergoing LASIK; post-op, reading glasses may be necessary depending on age. Therefore, if you’re considering having this procedure done regardless of what stage of life you’re in – speak with an experienced ophthalmologist first!

Those interested in achieving crystal clear vision with LASIK should understand that eligibility hinges upon the results of a comprehensive evaluation. Each eye is unique and requires its own individualized examination using modern technology to determine suitability for surgery. This invaluable assessment lets us personalize our approach, so you can get the best possible outcome from your procedure, some basic requirements include:

  • A consistent eyeglasses prescription for at least two years
  • Best corrected vision of 20/40 or better
  • A healthy cornea
  • No existing eye diseases
  • Minimum age of 18 years old

Other considerations that may affect your eligibility for LASIK include:

  • The prescription for each eye
  • The thickness of your cornea
  • The overall health of your eyes
  • Your lifestyle and occupation (for example, if you work in a dusty environment)
  • Your expectations for the results of surgery

If you’re not a good fit for LASIK, your ophthalmologist may present alternate options of vision correction surgery; PRK and Implantable Collamer Lens (ICL) are two viable possibilities.

LASIK (Laser in Situ Keratomleusis) is a life-changing vision correction procedure that can fix farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism. The first step of this process involves the creation of an ultra thin flap of cornea via a femtosecond laser for maximum accuracy – an operation taking merely seconds to complete. Then comes the Excimer laser which applies cool UV light rapidly to remove minuscule tissue from within the cornea’s inner section without causing any damage whatsoever. With short laser modulations, your corneal curvature can be corrected to the point that images are focused squarely on the retina. Afterward, surgeons will replace this created flap back into its original spot where it binds again in no more than five minutes, forming a seamless and undamaged surface. LASIK surgery has been proven secure with an impressive success rate of correcting vision challenges!