All About Topography Guided LASIK (Contoura Vision)

Topography Guided LASIK

If you’re considering laser eye surgery, it’s important to explore different options. Topography Guided LASIK is an advanced technique in LASIK that one must consider. In this blog, we’ll discuss the procedure, benefits, and cost of Topography Guided LASIK. We will also discuss how this type of LASIK is different from conventional LASIK. Join us as we explore this cutting-edge procedure and help you make an informed decision about your vision correction journey.

What Is Topography Guided LASIK?

Topography Guided LASIK, also known as Contoura Vision or Wavefront-guided LASIK, is an advanced form of laser eye surgery. It is used to correct refractive errors and improve vision. It combines the principles of traditional LASIK surgery with precise topographic mapping of the cornea. Corneal topography measurements create a detailed map of the cornea’s shape and irregularities. This data is then used to guide the laser during the surgery, allowing for precise and personalized reshaping of the cornea. The procedure aims to improve visual acuity, reduce refractive errors, and address irregularities for enhanced vision quality.

Procedure For Topography Guided LASIK

Given below is a step-by-step procedure for Topography guided LASIK:

1. Evaluation

Before the surgery, the patient undergoes a comprehensive eye examination. This evaluation includes corneal topography, which is a non-invasive procedure that measures the shape and irregularities of the cornea. It provides detailed information about the cornea’s curvature, elevation, and any irregularities that may affect vision.

2. Mapping

Corneal topography is performed using specialized imaging devices. These devices capture multiple data points across the cornea, creating a three-dimensional map of its surface. The map reveals the unique contours, shape, and irregularities of the cornea.

3. Customized treatment plan

3. Customized treatment planThe corneal topography data is carefully analyzed and interpreted by the surgeon or ophthalmologist. They use this information to develop a customized treatment plan that addresses the specific vision needs of the patient. The treatment plan takes into account the patient’s refractive error, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, as well as any irregularities in the cornea’s shape.

4. Surgery

On the day of the LASIK procedure, the patient is positioned under a laser system. Eye drops are used to numb the eyes, ensuring comfort during the surgery. An ultra-thin corneal flap is created on the surface of the cornea. The creation of the flap can be done using a microkeratome blade or a femtosecond laser.

5. Laser ablation

Once the corneal flap is created, the surgeon uses an excimer laser to precisely remove corneal tissue according to the predetermined treatment plan. The laser ablation is guided by the corneal topography data, allowing for highly accurate and personalized corrections. The laser reshapes the cornea by removing tissue from specific areas to correct the refractive error or address the irregularities identified in the mapping process.

6. Flap repositioning

After the laser ablation, the corneal flap is carefully repositioned back onto the cornea. It adheres naturally without the need for stitches, as the surface tension of the eye holds it in place. The flap acts as a natural bandage, promoting healing and providing protection to the treated area.

7. Recovery and follow-up

After the surgery, the patient may experience some temporary discomfort, dryness, or blurry vision. Eye drops or medications may be prescribed to aid in the healing process. It’s important to follow the post-operative instructions provided by the surgeon.

What Are Topography Maps In LASIK?

What Are Topography Maps In LASIK?In LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis), topography maps refer to the detailed measurements and graphical representation of the corneal surface. These maps provide crucial information about the shape, curvature, and irregularities of the cornea, which are essential for planning and performing laser eye surgery. Corneal topography maps are created using a specialized instrument called a corneal topographer or a topography-guided device.

Difference Between Conventional And Topography Guided LASIK

The primary difference between conventional LASIK and topography-guided LASIK lies in the approach used to determine the corneal reshaping during the surgery. Here’s a breakdown of the distinctions:
Conventional LASIKTopography Guided LASIK
ObjectiveCorrects refractive errors based on prescriptionCustomizes treatment based on corneal topography
Corneal MappingBased on prescription and basic measurementsUtilizes detailed corneal topography measurements
Treatment PrecisionStandardized treatment for a given prescriptionHighly individualized treatment based on cornea
Addressing IrregularitiesLimited effectiveness for complex corneal irregularitiesEffective in addressing complex corneal irregularities
Visual OutcomesImprovement in general visual acuityEnhanced visual quality, reduced glare or halos
CustomizationLimited customization based on prescriptionPersonalized treatment plan based on cornea
Surgical PlanningPrescription-based treatment planIncorporates corneal irregularities into planning
Procedure ComplexityLess complex compared to Topography Guided LASIKRequires additional corneal mapping and analysis
Surgeon ExperienceStandard LASIK expertise requiredSpecialized expertise in corneal topography
SuitabilitySuitable for patients with straightforward refractive errorsSuitable for patients with complex corneal irregularities
CostTypically less expensive compared to Topography Guided LASIKMay be relatively more expensive

Advantages Of Topography Guided LASIK Over Others

Advantages Of Topography Guided LASIK Over OthersTopography Guided LASIK offers several advantages over other forms of LASIK surgery. Here are some of the key benefits:

  • Customized treatment: Topography Guided LASIK uses detailed corneal topography measurements to create a personalized treatment plan. It takes into account the unique shape, curvature, and irregularities of your cornea, resulting in a highly individualized procedure. This customization enhances the accuracy and precision of the treatment, leading to improved visual outcomes.
  • Addressing complex irregularities: This surgery is particularly effective in addressing complex corneal irregularities beyond simple refractive errors. It can correct higher-order aberrations, such as coma, trefoil, and spherical aberrations. By targeting these irregularities, Topography Guided LASIK aims to provide enhanced visual quality, sharper focus, and reduced glare or halos.
  • Improved visual outcomes: Due to its customization and ability to address complex irregularities, Topography Guided LASIK leads to better visual outcomes. Patients may experience better visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and overall visual quality.
  • Reduced risk of postoperative issues: By incorporating topography-guided measurements, the surgical planning becomes more precise. This accuracy helps reduce the risk of postoperative issues such as glare, halos, and nighttime visual disturbances.
  • Enhanced treatment accuracy: The corneal topography measurements used in Topography Guided LASIK provide a highly detailed map of the cornea’s shape and irregularities. This data serves as a guide for the laser during the surgery, ensuring accurate and precise corneal reshaping. The result is a more targeted and refined treatment, leading to improved outcomes.
  • Potential for retreatment: In cases where a patient has had previous LASIK or other corneal surgeries, Topography Guided LASIK may offer an advantage. It allows the surgeon to take into account the corneal irregularities resulting from previous procedures and provide customized treatment for better visual results.

Cost Of Topography Guided LASIK In India

Cost Of Topography Guided LASIK In IndiaThe cost of Topography Guided LASIK in India can vary depending on various factors, including the clinic or hospital, the surgeon’s expertise, the technology used, and the location. On average, the cost of Topography Guided LASIK in India ranges from INR 40,000 to INR 90,000 per eye. However, it’s important to note that these figures are approximate and can vary significantly.


In conclusion, Topography Guided LASIK offers numerous advantages for individuals seeking laser eye surgery. Its customized approach, ability to address complex corneal irregularities, and potential for improved visual outcomes make it a promising option. However, it’s essential to consider the potential disadvantages, such as limited availability, higher cost, and the need for experienced surgeons. If you’re considering Topography Guided LASIK or any other refractive surgery, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified ophthalmologist or refractive surgeon to evaluate your specific needs and determine the most appropriate treatment option. Seek professional help to make an informed decision about your vision correction journey.

Lasik surgery is a safe 10-minute procedure to help you get rid of glasses. EyeMantra offers the most advanced LASIK options including PRKFemto LASIKSMILE surgeryStandard LASIKICL, and Contoura vision. If you have any questions on LASIK surgery in DelhiLasik surgery cost, and Lasik procedure, call us at 9711116605 or email at [email protected].