How To Treat Dry Eyes After LASIK?

lasik and dry eyes

LASIK surgery is an increasingly common procedure for correcting vision problems. However, a common side effect of this surgery is dry eyes. In this article, we will explore the relationship between LASIK and dry eyes, and more importantly, how you can fix it.

Why Does LASIK Sometimes Cause Dry Eyes?

Why Does LASIK Sometimes Cause Dry EyesLASIK surgery, while significantly beneficial for many patients, can sometimes lead to dry eyes. This is primarily because the procedure involves the creation of a thin flap on the cornea’s surface, which inevitably severs some corneal nerves.

These nerves play a crucial role in the production and regulation of tears in our eyes. They are responsible for stimulating the lacrimal gland, which is where our tears originate. When these nerves are cut during the LASIK procedure, the communication between the eye and the brain can temporarily become disrupted, leading to a decrease in tear production.

In addition to this, the surgical reshaping of the cornea can potentially alter the surface of the eye, causing an imbalance in tear distribution. This can mean that tears do not effectively cover the entire eye surface, leading to areas of dryness.

Usually, these changes are temporary, and as the eyes heal post-surgery, tear production often returns to normal. However, in some cases, people might experience longer-term dry eye symptoms.

Duration of Dry Eye Symptoms Post-LASIK

Post-LASIK dry eyes are a common occurrence, but the duration of these symptoms can vary significantly among patients. The majority of people experience some degree of dryness for a few days to a week after surgery. However, it’s not uncommon for these symptoms to persist for several weeks or even a few months.

The exact timeline can be influenced by several factors including your body’s healing process, your eye health prior to surgery, and your adherence to post-operative care instructions. It’s important to note that the healing process is different for everyone, and some people may take longer to fully recover.

In some cases, a small percentage of patients may experience dry eye symptoms for six months or more. However, these cases are less common and usually occur in patients who had pre-existing dry eye conditions before surgery.

Rest assured, most post-LASIK dry eye symptoms are manageable and improve over time. It’s crucial to maintain open communication with your eye care provider throughout your recovery process, and promptly report any prolonged or severe dry eye symptoms. They can offer treatments and strategies to help manage your symptoms and ensure a comfortable recovery.

How To Treat Dryness In Eyes After LASIK?

How To Treat Dryness In Eyes After LASIKIf you’re considering LASIK surgery, or if you’ve already undergone the procedure and are dealing with dry eyes, don’t fret. There are several preventive and management strategies that can help. The best way to handle dry eyes after LASIK is to prevent them from happening in the first place. Here’s how:

  • Pre-Surgery Evaluation: Make sure to have a thorough discussion with your doctor about your eye health and any history of dry eyes before the surgery. This will help the doctor take necessary precautions to minimize the risk of dry eyes.
  • Artificial Tears: Using artificial tears or lubricating eye drops before and after the surgery can help keep your eyes moist and reduce the risk of dry eyes.
  • Hydration and Diet: Staying hydrated is crucial, as it can help maintain moisture in the eyes. Also, incorporating foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids (such as fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts) into your diet can help improve tear quality.
  • Avoid Eye Strain: Prior to the surgery, avoid activities that can strain your eyes, such as prolonged screen time or reading.
  • Humidifier: Using a humidifier, especially in dry climates or air-conditioned rooms, can help maintain moisture in your environment and subsequently, in your eyes.

What Happens If You Get LASIK with Dry Eyes?

What Happens If You Get LASIK with Dry EyesDry eyes can potentially complicate the LASIK procedure and the recovery process. If you already have dry eyes and you go through LASIK surgery, here are a few things that might happen:

  • Increased Discomfort: Dry eyes can already cause discomfort, and LASIK surgery can potentially exacerbate these symptoms. You might experience increased irritation, a burning sensation, or a feeling of having something in your eyes.
  • Longer Recovery Time: The healing process after LASIK might be prolonged for those with pre-existing dry eye syndrome. The typical symptoms of dry eyes such as redness, itchiness, and blurred vision could be more pronounced and last longer than usual.
  • Reduced Visual Quality: In some cases, severe dry eye syndrome can impact the quality of vision after LASIK. Dry eyes can cause fluctuating vision, and in some cases, it can affect the accuracy of the LASIK procedure.
  • Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome: While this is not very common, there is a risk that the surgery could lead to chronic dry eye syndrome. In such cases, continuous treatment would be required to manage the symptoms.

Given these potential complications, it’s crucial that any pre-existing dry eye condition is well-managed before considering LASIK surgery. It’s equally important that you discuss your eye health in detail with your surgeon, as there are certain treatments and strategies that can be implemented to minimize the risk and manage symptoms if you have dry eyes before LASIK. Not all dry eye patients are suitable for LASIK; alternative refractive surgeries may be more appropriate in some instances.


In conclusion, while dry eyes can be a common side effect after LASIK surgery, it’s generally temporary and can be effectively managed. The key is to understand the procedure, know the potential side effects, and follow the advice of your eye care professional both before and after the surgery.

Remember, the journey to a clearer vision doesn’t have to be daunting. LASIK surgery is a safe, quick, 10-minute procedure designed to help you ditch those glasses for good.

At EyeMantra, we offer the most advanced LASIK options, including  PRK, Femto Lasik, SMILE surgery, Standard LASIK, ICL, and Contoura vision. We’re here to answer all your questions related to Lasik surgery in Delhi, Lasik surgery cost, and Lasik procedure.

Don’t let the fear of dry eyes hold you back from experiencing the world with clearer vision. Reach out to us at 9711116605 or email us at [email protected]. We’re here to guide you every step of the way on your journey toward a better vision.

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