Can You Join Air Force After PRK? Know Your Eligibility

does air force accept prk surgery

Are you an ambitious candidate eager to join the ranks of the Air Force, but your vision has been holding you back? Or perhaps you’ve already undergone a PRK surgery and are unsure if that affects your eligibility for service. Either way, you’re in the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into the specifics of Air Force vision requirements and does air force accept PRK surgery or not. So read on, and get ready to take the next informed step

What is PRK Surgery?

Photorefractive keratectomy, commonly known as PRK, is a type of refractive eye surgery. PRK surgery is designed to correct common vision problems including myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), and astigmatism. It operates on a straightforward principle. The surgeon delicately removes a thin layer from the cornea’s surface. By doing so, they can reshape the eye in a way that corrects the individual’s specific vision problem.

To put it simply, imagine your eye as a camera that’s slightly out of focus. PRK surgery adjusts the lens—your cornea—so that the picture—your vision—becomes clear and focused.

For many people, PRK surgery can reduce, if not entirely eliminate, the need for glasses or contact lenses. In the best scenarios, it could provide you with perfect or near-perfect vision.

Additionally, compared to other forms of vision correction surgery, PRK can be a safer choice for people whose corneas are too thin for LASIK surgery. While the recovery might take a bit longer, the results are just as impressive, offering you a practical solution to improve your eyesight significantly. Therefore, if you have been struggling with vision problems, PRK surgery might be a life-changing option worth considering.

Does Air Force Accept PRK Surgery

If you’ve had PRK surgery and are wondering if this procedure will affect your Air Force eligibility, let’s clear the air. The straightforward answer is, yes! The Air Force does accept applicants who have undergone PRK surgery.

The Process of Applying with PRK

However, before you celebrate, it’s essential to understand there are stipulations to this acceptance.

First, you cannot apply immediately after having the surgery. There is a mandatory waiting period that you must respect, generally six months post-operation. This time allows your eyes to heal fully and adapt to their new shape.

Next, when you do apply, you’ll need to provide comprehensive documentation about the operation. This documentation should include details about the pre-surgery vision problems you had, the exact procedure used to correct them, and evidence of the success of the surgery.

Last but not least, even if you’ve had PRK, you’ll still need to pass the Air Force’s vision test. This test isn’t just a standard eye exam. It includes specific requirements for visual acuity, refraction, and eye health.

Post-PRK Vision Standards in the Air Force

With successful PRK surgery, most people can reach a 20/20 vision or close, which meets the Air Force’s strict vision standards. However, keep in mind that the Air Force’s vision requirements aren’t only about visual acuity. The eye health criteria include things like the absence of chronic dry eye and corneal stability, which will also be evaluated during your exam.

Vision Requirements for the Indian Air Force

Vision Requirements for the Indian Air Force

The Indian Air Force (IAF) has specific vision requirements that are crucial to maintain the high performance and safety standards of their service members. These requirements apply whether you’re seeking a flying role, ground duty (tech), or ground duty (non-tech).

Specific Vision Standards

For those who’ve undergone or are contemplating PRK or LASIK surgery, there’s good news. The IAF has set explicit criteria to consider applicants who’ve undergone these procedures.

  • PRK/LASIK Surgery Acceptance: Candidates who have undergone PRK (Photo Refractive Keratotomy) or LASIK (Laser in Situ Keratotomileusis) may be considered fit for commissioning in all Air Force branches.
  • Vision Standards Post-Surgery: Post PRK/LASIK candidates must meet the specific visual requirements required for the branch, as laid down in Para IAP 4303(4th edition).

Criteria For Post-LASIK/PRK Surgery Applicants

However, specific criteria must be satisfied at the time of the Air Force Medical Examination:

  • Age at the Time of Surgery: PRK/LASIK surgery should not have been carried out before the age of 20 years.
  • Axial Length of the Eye: The axial length of the eye should not be more than 25.5 mm as measured by the IOL master.
  • Post-Surgery Waiting Period: At least 12 months should have elapsed post uncomplicated, stable PRK/LASIK with no history or evidence of any complication.
  • Post-Surgery Corneal Thickness: The post-LASIK corneal thickness, as measured by a corneal pachymeter, should not be less than 450 microns.
  • Refractive Errors: Individuals with high refractive errors (>6D) prior to LASIK are to be excluded.

It should be noted that Radial Keratotomy (RK) surgery for correction of refractive errors is not permitted for any Air Force duties. Candidates having undergone cataract surgery with or without IOL implants will also be declared unfit.

If you’ve had PRK or LASIK surgery, or you’re considering these options, and you dream of serving in the Indian Air Force, understanding these requirements will help you to plan your path ahead effectively.


Joining the Air Force represents a significant commitment to service. There are stringent criteria to meet, including specific vision requirements. However, advancements in medical procedures, specifically PRK and LASIK surgeries, have paved the way for candidates who might have been automatically disqualified in the past due to their vision issues.

If you’ve had PRK or LASIK, or you’re considering undergoing these procedures, the essential takeaways are this: these surgeries are accepted by theIndian Air Force, but there are clear guidelines and waiting periods post-surgery that you must follow.

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