Trans PRK: The Complete Procedure & The Cost Of It

Trans PRK

Frustrated with blurry glasses or annoying contact lenses? Wish you could toss them aside for good? Welcome to the world of Trans PRK – a modern breakthrough in eye care. This article will help you understand how Trans PRK works, its possible side effects, and the costs involved. So let’s explore everything about this life-changing procedure.

What is Trans PRK?

Trans PRK, or Trans-Epithelial PhotoRefractive Keratectomy, is an advanced laser eye surgery technique that promises to redefine your vision. Compared to its predecessors, Trans PRK is all about precision, safety, and a quick recovery. But how does it stand apart? Let’s take a closer look.

The Trans PRK Procedure

Before we dive into the details, it’s important to understand that Trans PRK is a three-step procedure. It involves preparing the eye, carrying out the actual laser treatment, and then post-procedure care.


The Trans PRK ProcedureBefore the procedure, your eye doctor will conduct a thorough eye exam. This includes checking your medical history, the health of your eyes, and their suitability for the procedure. Once everything checks out, you’ll be scheduled for surgery.

On the day of the procedure, your eyes will be numbed with anesthetic eye drops to ensure a pain-free experience. You’ll be awake during the procedure, but you won’t feel anything except a bit of pressure.

The Procedure Itself

Once you’re comfortable and your eyes are numbed, the actual Trans PRK procedure begins. The surgeon uses a state-of-the-art laser to gently remove the epithelium (the outer layer of the cornea). This is done in a single step, hence the term ‘Trans’ (through)Epithelial’ (the epithelium).

The next step involves reshaping the underlying cornea using the laser. This is customized to your unique eye prescription, ensuring that post-surgery, your vision is as sharp as it can be.

Post Procedure Care

After the surgery, a protective contact lens is placed on the eye to help the epithelium heal and regenerate. You might feel a bit of discomfort or a gritty sensation in your eyes for a few days. This is normal and part of the healing process.

Post-procedure care also involves using prescribed eye drops and medication to aid in healing and prevent infection. You’ll also have regular follow-up visits with your doctor to monitor the healing process.

You’ll start noticing improvements in your vision within a few days. However, it might take several weeks for your vision to stabilize completely.

Trans PRK vs. Other Eye Surgeries

The world of eye surgery offers a variety of options to correct vision problems, among which PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) and Trans PRK are two prominent ones. The question that often pops up is – which one is better?

PRK was one of the first laser eye surgery techniques and has been a reliable method for vision correction. It involves removing the epithelial layer of the cornea with an alcohol solution before the laser reshapes the cornea.

On the other hand, Trans PRK, a more advanced and newer procedure, eliminates the need for the alcohol solution. Instead, the epithelium is gently and directly removed using a laser. This not only makes the procedure safer and more comfortable but also aids in faster recovery.

Moreover, it is a single-step procedure, which reduces the time spent under the laser and thus, minimizes potential discomfort for the patient. The use of advanced laser technology in Trans PRK also allows for more precise and personalized treatment based on the patient’s unique eye structure.

So, is Trans PRK better than PRK? In terms of safety, comfort, precision, and recovery time, Trans PRK seems to hold the upper hand. But as with any medical procedure, it’s important to consult with a professional eye doctor to understand which procedure is best suited for your individual case.

Cost of Trans PRK

Trans PRK, too, is considerably cost-effective in India compared to many western countries. On average, the cost of this surgery in India can range anywhere from INR 70,000 to INR 1,00,000 per eye. Please keep in mind that this is an estimation, and actual costs may vary depending on the factors mentioned earlier.

It’s also essential to remember that while cost is an important factor, the surgeon’s experience, the technology used, and the aftercare provided are equally important to consider while going for the surgery. Always consult with a professional and do thorough research before making a decision.

Is Trans PRK Worth It?

One of the most common queries about this procedure is, “Is it worth it?” To answer that, let’s look at the benefits of this procedure.

  • Improved Vision: The main benefit, of course, is improved vision. Most patients achieve 20/20 vision, and many even achieve 20/15 or better. This means saying goodbye to glasses or contacts for good.
  • Accuracy and Precision: This surgery uses advanced laser technology that maps the eye in detail, allowing for high accuracy and precision during surgery. This technology can treat a wider range of vision problems with excellent results.
  • Bladeless Procedure: Unlike some other eye surgeries, it is a bladeless procedure. This reduces the risk of complications that could occur from cutting a corneal flap, such as with LASIK.
  • Suitability: Trans PRK is suitable for people with thinner corneas, dry eyes, or higher prescriptions who might not be eligible for other types of laser eye surgeries.
  • Long-Term Stability: The results of Trans PRK are stable over the long term. Once your eyes have healed and vision has stabilized, the results are permanent.
  • Quick Recovery: Although you might experience discomfort in the first few days, the recovery is typically quick. Most people notice improved vision within a week.

The Side Effects of Trans PRK

The Side Effects of Trans PRKAs with any surgical procedure, Trans PRK comes with potential side effects. It’s crucial to be aware of these before making an informed decision. While most side effects are temporary and subside during the healing process, it’s important to understand and prepare for them.

Short-Term Side Effects

  • Discomfort and Sensitivity: After the Trans PRK procedure, it is common to experience mild discomfort, sensitivity to light, and a gritty sensation in the eyes. These symptoms usually improve within a few days as the eyes heal.
  • Blurry Vision: Initially, you may experience blurry vision, which is a normal part of the healing process. It can take several days or even weeks for your vision to stabilize and become clearer.
  • Halos and Glare: Some individuals may temporarily experience halos or glare around lights, especially at night. This is usually a temporary side effect that resolves as the eyes heal.

Long-Term Side Effects

  • Dry Eyes: Dryness of the eyes is a common side effect after Trans PRK. This occurs due to a temporary decrease in tear production during the healing process. Eye drops and artificial tears can help alleviate dryness.
  • Regression: In some cases, there may be a slight regression of vision correction over time. This can be addressed with enhancements or touch-up procedures if needed.
  • Undercorrection or Overcorrection: Occasionally, the desired level of vision correction may not be fully achieved, resulting in undercorrection or overcorrection. Additional procedures or the use of glasses or contact lenses may be necessary to fine-tune the vision.


In conclusion, Trans PRK is an advanced laser eye surgery technique that offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking vision correction. If you are tired of relying on glasses or contact lenses and wish to explore the possibilities of this surgery, it is recommended to reach out to a reputable eye care center for a comprehensive consultation.

EyeMantra offers the most advanced LASIK options including Femto Lasik, SMILE surgery, Standard lasik, ICL and Contoura vision. For further information on PRK, feel free to contact us at EyeMantra. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing the most advanced and comprehensive eye care services. If you have any questions on Lasik surgery in Delhi, Lasik surgery cost and Lasik procedure, call us at 9711116605 or email at [email protected].


1. Is Trans PRK better than LASIK?

Both Trans PRK and LASIK are effective laser eye surgery options, but they have some differences. Trans PRK is considered a safer alternative to LASIK as it eliminates the need for creating a corneal flap. It is a bladeless procedure, which reduces the risk of flap-related complications. Trans PRK is also suitable for individuals with thinner corneas or certain eye conditions that may not be ideal for LASIK.

2. Is Trans PRK painful?

During the Trans PRK procedure, the eyes are numbed with anesthetic eye drops to ensure a painless experience. However, it is common to experience some discomfort and sensitivity in the eyes for a few days following the surgery. This discomfort can vary from person to person and is part of the healing process. Your eye doctor will prescribe pain relief medication and provide instructions on managing any discomfort. Rest assured that any discomfort experienced during Trans PRK is temporary and typically subsides as the eyes heal.

3. What is the recovery time for Trans PRK?

The recovery time for Trans PRK can vary from person to person. Generally, it takes a few days for the initial discomfort and blurry vision to improve. The surface of the cornea, where the epithelium was removed, typically heals within a week or two. However, it can take several weeks or even a few months for the vision to stabilize completely.

4. What is the success rate of Trans PRK?

Trans PRK has a high success rate in terms of vision correction. Many patients achieve 20/20 vision or better after the procedure. However, it’s important to note that the success rate can vary depending on individual factors such as the severity of the vision problem and the healing process of the eyes.


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