Smile Lasik for Thin Corneas : Working, Benefits and Limitations

Smile Lasik for Thin Corneas

In today’s fast-paced world, where technological advancements continue to shape the field of vision correction, people with thin corneas can now benefit from a cutting-edge solution known as Smile Lasik. This revolutionary procedure offers a ray of hope to individuals who were previously deemed unsuitable for traditional Lasik due to their thin corneal structure. In this article, we will explore the advantages, procedure, candidacy, risks, and recovery associated with Smile Lasik for thin corneas, shedding light on this remarkable development in the realm of vision correction.

Understanding Thin Corneas

Understanding Thin Corneas
Woman’s eye

Before delving into the specifics of Smile Lasik, it’s important to grasp the significance of thin corneas. Corneas are usually measured in micrometers, and the average thickness is around 550 to 600 micrometers. However, some individuals naturally possess corneas that are thinner than this average range.

Thin corneas can be a barrier to conventional laser vision correction techniques, such as traditional Lasik, as they require a certain corneal thickness to ensure safety and effectiveness. Fortunately, Smile Lasik provides an alternative solution for such cases.

What Is Smile Lasik?

Smile Lasik, short for Small Incision Lenticule Extraction, is a state-of-the-art vision correction procedure that offers several benefits for individuals with thin corneas. Unlike traditional Lasik, which involves creating a corneal flap, Smile Lasik eliminates the need for a flap. Instead, it utilizes a precise laser to create a thin lenticule within the cornea, which is then gently extracted through a small incision. This innovative technique ensures that the integrity and thickness of the cornea are preserved, making it an excellent choice for individuals with thin corneas.

Advantages of Smile Lasik for Thin Corneas

Advantages of Smile Lasik for Thin Corneas

These are some of the advantages of Smile LASIK for Thin Corneas:

Preservation of Corneal Thickness

One of the significant advantages of Smile Lasik for thin corneas is its ability to preserve the overall thickness of the cornea. Traditional Lasik requires the creation of a corneal flap, which can further thin the cornea. With Smile Lasik, the laser creates a small incision and removes a lenticule, leaving the remaining cornea largely intact. This preservation of corneal thickness is crucial to ensure the stability and structural integrity of the eye, promoting better long-term outcomes for patients with thin corneas.

Minimally Invasive Procedure

Smile Lasik is a minimally invasive procedure, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking a less invasive approach to vision correction. Unlike traditional Lasik, which involves creating a larger corneal flap, Smile Lasik only requires a small incision to extract the lenticule. This results in a quicker and more comfortable recovery for patients, with minimal disruption to the corneal tissue.

Rapid Recovery Time

Another advantage of Smile Lasik for thin corneas is its rapid recovery time. Since the procedure is less invasive, patients often experience quicker healing and visual improvement compared to traditional Lasik. Many individuals can resume their normal activities within a few days after the surgery, allowing them to enjoy the benefits of clearer vision sooner.

The Smile Lasik Procedure Explained

To better understand Smile Lasik for thin corneas, let’s take a closer look at the step-by-step process involved:

Preoperative Evaluation

Before undergoing Smile Lasik, a comprehensive eye examination is conducted to assess the suitability of the individual for the procedure. This evaluation includes measuring corneal thickness, assessing visual acuity, and evaluating the overall health of the eyes. The surgeon will also discuss the patient’s medical history and address any concerns or questions.

Creation of a Thin Lenticule

During the Smile Lasik procedure, the surgeon uses a femtosecond laser to create a thin lenticule within the cornea. This lenticule contains the precise correction needed to improve the patient’s vision. The laser’s high-precision technology allows for a customized treatment, tailored to the individual’s unique visual requirements.

Small Incision and Lenticule Extraction

Once the lenticule is created, the surgeon makes a small incision on the cornea’s surface. Through this tiny opening, the lenticule is gently extracted, reshaping the cornea to correct the refractive error. Since Smile Lasik does not involve creating a corneal flap, the procedure is less invasive and reduces the risk of complications associated with traditional flap-based techniques.

Corneal Reformation

After the lenticule extraction, the cornea naturally reforms itself, adapting to its new shape. The corneal tissue’s ability to regenerate and heal helps ensure the stability and long-term success of the procedure. Over time, the cornea stabilizes, and patients experience improved vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Who Is a Suitable Candidate for Smile Lasik?

Smile Lasik for thin corneas is an ideal option for individuals who were previously deemed unsuitable for traditional Lasik due to their thin corneal structure. Suitable candidates for Smile Lasik typically have:

  • Thin corneas that do not meet the requirements for traditional Lasik
  • Nearsightedness (myopia) or astigmatism that can be corrected within the prescribed limits of the procedure
  • Stable vision prescription for at least one year
  • Good overall eye health
  • Realistic expectations about the outcomes of the procedure

It is essential for individuals considering Smile Lasik to consult with an experienced eye surgeon who can evaluate their specific case and provide personalized recommendations.

Risks and Complications

Risks and Complications

Like any surgical procedure, Smile Lasik for thin corneas carries certain risks and potential complications. However, these risks are generally low, and most patients experience successful outcomes. Some possible risks include:

Dry Eyes

Dry eyes are a common temporary side effect following Smile Lasik. The decreased production of tears during the healing process can cause dryness, itchiness, and a gritty sensation in the eyes. Eye drops and artificial tears are typically prescribed to alleviate these symptoms, and they usually resolve as the eyes heal.

Temporary Visual Disturbances

Some patients may experience temporary visual disturbances, such as glare, halos, or double vision, especially during the initial stages of the healing process. These symptoms typically improve over time as the eyes adjust to the new corneal shape. The surgeon will guide managing these temporary visual changes during the recovery period.

Undercorrection or Overcorrection

In some cases, there may be a possibility of undercorrection or overcorrection of the refractive error. This can result in residual nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. However, advancements in laser technology and the surgeon’s expertise help minimize the occurrence of these issues. In cases where a significant undercorrection or overcorrection does occur, enhancements or additional procedures may be recommended to fine-tune the vision correction.

It’s important to note that the risks and potential complications associated with Smile Lasik for thin corneas are relatively rare, and the majority of patients achieve excellent visual outcomes with minimal complications.

Recovery and Aftercare

Following Smile Lasik for thin corneas, a comprehensive postoperative care plan is essential to ensure proper healing and optimal visual outcomes. Here are some key aspects of the recovery and aftercare process:

Postoperative Medications

The surgeon will prescribe medicated eye drops to prevent infection and promote healing. These eye drops should be used as directed and continued for the specified duration. Additionally, lubricating eye drops may be recommended to alleviate dryness and keep the eyes moist during the healing process.

Follow-up Visits

Regular follow-up visits with the surgeon are crucial to monitor the healing progress and address any concerns. These visits allow the surgeon to assess the visual acuity, evaluate the corneal stability, and make any necessary adjustments to optimize the results. It is important to attend all scheduled appointments and adhere to the postoperative care instructions provided by the surgeon.

Long-Term Results

The majority of individuals who undergo Smile Lasik for thin corneas experience long-term improvement in their vision. Studies have shown that the procedure provides stable and reliable outcomes, with many patients achieving 20/20 vision or better. However, it’s important to continue regular eye exams even after successful Smile Lasik to ensure the ongoing health of the eyes and monitor any potential changes in vision.

Comparing Smile LASIK with Traditional LASIK

Comparing Smile LASIK with Traditional LASIK

While both Smile Lasik and traditional Lasik aim to correct refractive errors and improve vision, there are key differences between the two procedures, especially when it comes to thin corneas. Here are a few factors to consider:

  • Corneal Thickness: Smile Lasik is particularly advantageous for individuals with thin corneas since it preserves the corneal thickness more effectively than traditional Lasik.
  • Flap Creation: Traditional Lasik involves creating a corneal flap, which is not necessary for Smile Lasik. The absence of a flap reduces the risk of certain complications associated with flap-based procedures.
  • Minimally Invasive: Smile Lasik is considered a minimally invasive procedure due to the smaller incision and lenticule extraction, resulting in a potentially quicker and more comfortable recovery.
  • Visual Outcomes: Both Smile Lasik and traditional Lasik offer excellent visual outcomes. However, individual suitability may vary, and a comprehensive evaluation by an experienced eye surgeon is crucial in determining the most suitable procedure.


Smile Lasik has emerged as an innovative solution for individuals with thin corneas, offering the promise of improved vision and reduced reliance on glasses or contact lenses.

In conclusion, Smile Lasik for thin corneas is a remarkable advancement in the field of vision correction. With its ability to preserve corneal thickness, minimizing invasiveness, and offer rapid recovery, it has become a preferred option for individuals seeking effective and safe vision correction. By consulting with an experienced eye surgeon and undergoing a comprehensive evaluation, individuals can determine if they are suitable candidates for Smile Lasik and embark on a journey towards improved visual acuity and a brighter future.

LASIK eye surgery is a safe 10-minute procedure to help you get rid of glasses. EyeMantra offers the most advanced LASIK options including PRKFemto LasikSMILE surgeryStandard LASIKICL, and Contoura vision. If you have any questions on Lasik surgery in DelhiLasik surgery cost, and Lasik procedure, call us at 9711116605 or email at [email protected].

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