PRK vs Contoura: Which Vision Correction Procedure is Right for You?

PRK vs Contoura

Are you considering vision correction surgery and wondering whether PRK or Contoura is the right procedure for you? Choosing the best option can be a daunting task, as both PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) and Contoura are effective methods for improving vision. In this informative blog, we’ll delve into the intricacies of PRK vs Contoura, while exploring their similarities, differences, benefits, and considerations.

What Are PRK & Contoura Surgeries?

What Are PRK & Contoura Surgeries?PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) and Contoura surgeries are both types of laser eye surgeries that help to correct refractive errors and enhance vision. They have generally performed procedures to treat conditions such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism.

Here you can analyze the two a bit deeper:

  • PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy): PRK is a type of laser eye surgery that involves reshaping the cornea to correct refractive errors. It is performed by removing the outer layer of the cornea, called the epithelium, and using an excimer laser to reshape the underlying corneal tissue. The laser ablation is precisely calculated based on the patient’s individual eye measurements to correct their specific refractive error. After the procedure, a contact lens is typically placed on the eye to aid in healing.
  • Contoura Surgery: Contoura Vision, also known as topography-guided LASIK, is an advanced form of LASIK surgery. It utilizes topographic mapping technology to create a detailed map of the patient’s cornea, identifying even the most subtle irregularities and imperfections. This map is then used to guide the laser during the surgery, allowing for a highly customized and precise treatment. Contoura surgery aims to provide better visual outcomes compared to traditional LASIK procedures.

Which Is Better PRK Or Contoura?

Which Is Better PRK Or Contoura?The question of whether PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) or Contoura is better depends on various factors. Including the individual’s specific eye condition, personal preferences, and the recommendations of an experienced ophthalmologist.

Both procedures have their advantages and considerations:

PRK Surgery:
  • PRK is a well-established laser eye surgery technique with a long track record of successful outcomes.
  • It is suitable for individuals with thinner corneas or other factors that make them unsuitable candidates for LASIK.
  • PRK does not involve creating a corneal flap, which may prefer some individuals who are concerned about flap-related complications.
  • The recovery process for PRK is usually longer compared to LASIK, as the outer layer of the cornea needs time to regenerate.
Contoura Surgery:
  • Contoura surgery, also known as topography-guided LASIK, utilizes advanced technology to create a detailed map of the cornea, allowing for a highly customized and precise treatment.
  • It aims to provide better visual outcomes by addressing both the refractive error and the unique irregularities of the cornea.
  • Contoura surgery can potentially result in improved vision quality, reduced glare, and better night vision.
  • It offers a higher level of customization compared to traditional LASIK procedures.

Ultimately, the decision between PRK and Contoura should be made in consultation with an experienced ophthalmologist. They will evaluate your individual eye condition, and consider factors such as corneal thickness, stability of prescription, and personal preferences to determine which procedure may be most suitable for you. The goal is to achieve the best possible visual outcomes with the lowest risk and highest patient satisfaction.

What Are The Dissimilarities Between PRK & Contoura?

Success-Rate-Of-PRK-ContouraRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) and Contoura are both types of laser eye surgery used to correct refractive errors and improve vision. However, there are some dissimilarities between the two procedures. Here are the main differences:

  • Technology: PRK is an older procedure that has been around for several decades, while Contoura is a more recent advancement in laser eye surgery. Contoura utilizes topography-guided technology to map the cornea more precisely, allowing for customized treatment.
  • Preoperative Assessment: Prior to PRK, standard refraction is performed to determine the patient’s prescription. In Contoura, a detailed corneal mapping is done using a topographer, which provides a more comprehensive analysis of the cornea’s shape and irregularities.
  • Treatment Planning: In PRK, the treatment plan is based on the patient’s prescription and the surgeon’s experience. Contoura, on the other hand, employs a computer-guided system that analyzes the corneal map and generates a personalized treatment plan to correct the individual’s unique corneal irregularities.
  • Corneal Reshaping: During PRK, the cornea’s surface is ablated (reshaped) using an excimer laser. Contoura also uses an excimer laser, but it employs a more advanced technique called topography-guided ablation. This technique takes into account the corneal irregularities identified during the mapping process and aims to create a smoother and more regular corneal surface.
  • Visual Outcomes: Both PRK and Contoura can provide excellent visual outcomes. However, some studies suggest that Contoura may offer better visual acuity, improved contrast sensitivity, and reduced higher-order aberrations compared to traditional PRK.
  • Candidacy: The suitability for PRK or Contoura may vary depending on the patient’s specific eye characteristics and requirements. A thorough evaluation by an ophthalmologist or refractive surgeon is necessary to determine the most appropriate procedure for each individual.

Recovery Rate Of PRK & Contoura Surgery?

Recovery Rate Of PRK & Contoura Surgery_The recovery rates for PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) and Contoura surgery can vary for each individual, but here are some general guidelines:

PRK Surgery Recovery:

  • The initial healing phase after PRK typically takes about 3 to 5 days. During this time, the outer layer of the cornea (epithelium) that was removed during the surgery starts to regenerate.
  • Vision may be blurry or hazy during the first few days, and you may experience sensitivity to light.
  • Most patients can return to work and resume normal daily activities within 5 to 7 days, although it may take longer for some individuals.
  • It usually takes about 1 to 3 months for the vision to stabilize and for the full benefits of PRK to be realized.
  • Some patients may experience dry eyes and glare or halos around lights temporarily. But these side effects usually subside within a few weeks to months.

Contoura Surgery Recovery:

  • The recovery period for Contoura surgery is generally shorter compared to PRK.
  • The initial healing phase is similar, with the outer layer of the cornea healing within a few days.
  • Many patients report improved vision as early as the day after surgery, although it can take a few weeks for the vision to stabilize fully.
  • Most individuals can return to their normal activities, including work, within a few days to a week.
  • The risk of certain side effects, such as glare and halos, may be reduced with Contoura surgery due to the personalized treatment plan based on the corneal mapping.


In the world of vision correction, PRK and Contoura are both remarkable procedures that have helped countless individuals. So that, they can achieve better visual acuity and reduce their reliance on corrective eyewear. While PRK has stood the test of time, Contoura offers a more advanced and personalized approach. Ultimately, the decision between PRK and Contoura depends on various factors. Such as your specific vision needs, corneal thickness, and surgeon recommendations. To ensure the best possible outcome, it’s crucial to consult with a qualified eye surgeon. Evaluate your unique circumstances and guide you toward the most suitable procedure.

Lasik surgery is a safe 10-minute procedure to help you get rid of glasses. EyeMantra offers the most advanced LASIK options including PRK, Femto Lasik, SMILE surgery, Standard LASIK, ICL, and Contoura vision. If you have any questions on Lasik surgery in Delhi, Lasik surgery cost, and Lasik procedure, call us at 9711116605 or email at [email protected].