Comprehensive Guide Of Contact Lenses After RK Surgery

Contact Lenses After RK Surgery

After undergoing radial keratotomy (RK) surgery, the journey to optimal vision doesn’t always end there. Contact lenses can serve as a valuable tool in further improving visual acuity and addressing any remaining refractive errors. In this blog, we delve into the world of contact lenses specifically designed for individuals who have undergone RK surgery, exploring their benefits, types, and considerations for choosing the right lens.

What Is RK Surgery?

What Is RK Surgery?Before, analyzing the further queries understand the RK Surgery first. Radial keratotomy (RK) surgery has played a significant role in the evolution of vision correction procedures. Developed in the 1980s, RK aimed to address nearsightedness by reshaping the cornea through precise incisions.

Here you can analyze some crucial key aspects:

  • Reshaping the Cornea: The procedure involves making precise radial incisions on the cornea, flattening its curvature to improve vision.
  • Historical Significance: Despite newer alternatives, comprehending the basics of RK surgery is crucial in understanding the development of vision correction techniques.
  • Procedure Details: RK surgery requires precise incisions on the cornea, which are typically performed using a diamond knife.
  • Vision Outcomes: RK surgery aims to improve nearsightedness and potentially reduce dependency on glasses or contact lenses.
  • Considerations: Factors such as corneal stability, refractive stability, and individual suitability need to be evaluated before opting for RK surgery.
  • Evolving Techniques: While RK surgery has been largely replaced by more advanced procedures like LASIK, its contributions to the field of vision correction should not be overlooked.

Is It Safe To Wear Contact Lens After RK Surgery?

Is It Safe To Wear Contact Lens After RK Surgery?Wearing contact lenses after RK surgery is generally safe, but it requires careful consideration and professional guidance. While RK surgery permanently alters the cornea’s shape, it does not eliminate the possibility of residual refractive errors.

Have a look at some crucial considerations which are given below:

  • Consultation with an Eye Care Professional: Before considering contact lenses after RK surgery, it is essential to consult with an experienced eye care professional who specializes in post-RK contact lens fittings.
  • Addressing Residual Refractive Errors: RK surgery may not completely eliminate all refractive errors. Contact lenses can help correct any remaining visual issues, providing improved vision.
  • Importance of Professional Guidance: It is crucial to follow the guidance of the eye care professional regarding contact lens wear, cleaning, and maintenance to prevent any potential complications or discomfort.
  • Individual Variations: The suitability and success of contact lens wear after RK surgery can vary depending on individual factors such as corneal stability and eye health.
  • Alternatives to Contact Lenses: In some cases, individuals may explore alternative options such as glasses or refractive surgery enhancements to address residual refractive errors after RK surgery.
  • Overall Safety: While wearing contact lenses after RK surgery can be safe, it is crucial to prioritize proper fitting, regular monitoring, and adherence to professional guidance to maintain optimal eye health and vision.

What Cases Require Wearing Contact Lenses After RK?

After RK (radial keratotomy) surgery, wearing contact lenses may be necessary in several cases:

  • Residual Refractive Errors: If there are remaining refractive errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism. Even, contact lenses can help provide additional vision correction beyond what was achieved with the surgery.
  • Irregular Corneal Shape: RK surgery can result in an irregular corneal shape, causing visual distortions. Specialty contact lenses, like gas permeable lenses or scleral lenses, can help create a smooth refractive surface and improve visual clarity.
  • Unstable Vision: Some individuals may experience fluctuations in their vision following RK surgery. Contact lenses can provide a more consistent and stable vision correction compared to glasses.
  • Dissatisfaction with Glasses: Individuals who find glasses inconvenient or aesthetically undesirable may opt for contact lenses as an alternative vision correction option after RK surgery.
  • Specific Visual Needs: Contact lenses can be particularly beneficial for individuals with specific visual demands, such as athletes or those engaged in activities where glasses may be impractical.

It is important to consult with an eye care professional experienced in post-RK contact lens fittings to determine if wearing contact lenses is suitable and to find the best type of lenses for individual needs and corneal characteristics.

Types Of Contact Lenses Can Be Used After RK Procedure

Types Of Contact Lenses Can Be Used After RK Surgery?After RK (radial keratotomy) surgery, several types of contact lenses can usually use to address visual needs and corneal irregularities. These include:

  • Gas Permeable (GP) Lenses: GP lenses are rigid lenses that can provide excellent vision correction for individuals with irregular corneas. They create a smooth refractive surface, compensating for the corneal irregularities caused by RK surgery.
  • Scleral Lenses: Scleral lenses are large, gas-permeable lenses that vault over the entire cornea, resting on the sclera (white part of the eye). They provide enhanced comfort and vision correction for individuals with irregular corneas.
  • Hybrid Lenses: Hybrid lenses combine a rigid gas-permeable center with a soft lens skirt. They offer the visual clarity of GP lenses while providing the comfort of soft lenses.
  • Custom Soft Lenses: Custom soft lenses can design to fit the individual’s unique corneal shape, addressing any residual refractive errors while providing a comfortable wearing experience.
  • Toric Lenses: Toric lenses usually design to correct astigmatism. They have different powers in different meridians of the lens, compensating for corn eal irregularities and providing clear vision.
  • Piggybacking System: This involves wearing a soft lens on top of a rigid g-permeable lens. The rigid lens corrects the corneal irregularities, while the soft lens provides cushioning and comfort.

Consulting with an experienced eye care professional is crucial to determine the most suitable type of contact lens based on the individual’s corneal characteristics, visual needs, and comfort preferences after RK surgery.


In conclusion, wearing contact lenses after RK (radial keratotomy) surgery can be a viable option for individuals. Especially, those who are seeking further vision correction or addressing corneal irregularities. The availability of various types of contact lenses, including gas permeable lenses, scleral lenses, hybrid lenses, custom soft lenses, toric lenses, and piggybacking systems. That allows for personalized solutions based on individual needs and corneal characteristics. However, it is essential to consult with an experienced eye care professional who specializes in post-RK contact lens fittings to ensure proper fitting, optimal visual outcomes, and overall eye health.

Lasik surgery is a safe 10-minute procedure to help you get rid of glasses. EyeMantra offers the most advanced LASIK options including PRK, Femto Lasik, SMILE surgery, Standard LASIK, ICL, and Contoura vision. If you have any questions on Lasik surgery in Delhi, Lasik surgery cost, and Lasik procedure, call us at 9711116605 or email at [email protected].