LASIK Specs Removal in Shakarpur – Laser PRK, ICL & Contoura
100 % Painless, Bladeless refractive surgery with LASIK, ICL, PRK, Contoura Surgery in Shakarpur

Safe and Painless
Starts at Rs. 10,000
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LASIK Surgery in Shakarpur
If you are looking for a safe, effective, and affordable surgery to improve your vision, then you should consider laser eye surgery (LASIK). LASIK is a popular and safe procedure that can help you see better without the need for glasses or contact lenses.
LASIK is a type of eye surgery that removes the need for glasses or contact lenses by using lasers to correct your vision. With LASIK, the surgeon reshapes your cornea using a surgical blade, which improves your vision by making it easier to see in all directions.
Most people who have LASIK are very happy with the results. In fact, studies have shown that almost two-thirds of people who have LASIK say that their vision has improved significantly. Additionally, many people find that they no longer need to wear glasses or contact lenses after their surgery. If you are considering lasik surgery in Shakarpur, please consult with a qualified doctor who can provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision.
Why LASIK Surgery from EyeMantra?

Restore Clear Vision

Bladeless & Painless

Insurance & EMI Options

10,000+ successful surgeries

Latest TransPRK technology

Starts at Rs. 10,000
Which conditions can LASIK treat?

Normal Vision

Myopia [Near Sightedness]

Hyperopia [Far Sightedness]

LASIK Surgery Options
There are many types of LASIK surgery, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Here are the most common:
- Standard LASIK: This is the most common type of LASIK, and it uses a laser to cut the cornea in two. The surgeon then removes some of the cornea’s outer layer with a blade, leaving a clear area on the eye that can be refitted with an artificial lens.
- Femto LASIK: This is a slightly more advanced form of LASIK that uses a smaller laser beam to perform the cuts. It results in better clarity and less scarring than standard LASIK, but it also requires more time and expertise from the surgeon.
- Contoura Vision: This type of LASIK uses a computer to create three-dimensional images of your eye prior to surgery. This allows the surgeon to make precise cuts without having to worry about damaging any underlying tissue.
- EPI Lasik: This is a newer type of LASIK that uses femtosecond lasers (short bursts of light). It’s often considered safer and more accurate than other types of LASIK, but it may cost slightly more than traditional LASIK procedures.
- SMILE: This is another newer form of LASIK that uses tiny surgical lasers instead of standard lasers. It’s especially useful for people who have deep-set eyes or significant astigmatism.
- PRK: Photorefractive keratectomy, or PRK, is a form of laser eye surgery that doesn’t involve cutting the cornea. Instead, a laser is used to reshape the surface of the cornea directly. It’s usually considered safer than other forms of LASIK because there’s no risk from surgical blades and it ensures a smoother healing process, with less discomfort and a shorter recovery time. It’s also suitable for people with thin corneas or who have had previous eye surgery.
- ICL: Implantable contact lenses (ICLs) are permanent lenses that are implanted in your eye to correct vision. Unlike LASIK, ICLs don’t involve any cutting or removal of tissue. Instead, the surgeon inserts a special lens into the eye and it sits beneath the cornea. This type of surgery is usually reserved for people with severe vision problems, such as extreme nearsightedness or farsightedness.

LASIK Surgery Benefits
There are many benefits to undergoing LASIK surgery, including: improved vision, reduced eye fatigue, fewer visits to the doctor, and less anxiety about eye health.
One of the most common benefits of LASIK surgery is improved vision. After undergoing LASIK surgery, patients can expect to see better than they did before without corrective lenses. In fact, many people report seeing 20/20 or better after the procedure.
Reduced eye fatigue is another common benefit of LASIK surgery. Eye fatigue is a common problem that can lead to lack of focus and decreased productivity at work or school. By reducing eye fatigue with LASIK surgery, people can more easily stay focused for long periods of time and carry out their normal daily activities.
Fewer visits to the doctor are also common benefits of LASIK surgery. In fact, studies have found that people who have undergone LASIK Surgery only make twice as many doctor visits in the first year as those who have not had the procedure done. This means less time spent waiting in line and more time able to spend doing what you enjoy outside of your medical appointments.
Lastly, one of the major fears that people have about their eyes is their ability to see in dark conditions. With LASIK surgery, patients can expect to see just as well in low light situations as they do in bright ones thanks to the new vision correction achieved with this type of surgery
LASIK Surgery Cost in Shakarpur
Procedure | Recovery Time | Risks (Dislocation / flap tearing) | Suitability (High power / thin cornea) | Key Benefit | Price/Eye (₹) |
Standard LASIK In Shakarpur | 30 days | High | ![]() | Basic standard surgery for specs removal | 10,000 |
C LASIK In Shakarpur | 15 days | High | ![]() | Customized to cornea | 15,000 |
Contoura In Shakarpur | 3 days | Low | ![]() | Corneal polishing and aberration removal for super vision. | 25,000 |
TransPRK In Shakarpur | 3 days | Low | ![]() | One step procedure: Bladeless, Flapless, Touchless, Safest | 35,000 |
Femto LASIK In Shakarpur | 3 days | High | ![]() | Laser used to create flap | 50,000 |
ICL Surgery In Shakarpur | 3 days | Medium | ![]() | Eye lens replaced with a new lens (Visian Staar or IPCL lens) | 42,000 |
Smart Surf LASIK In Shakarpur | 3 days | Lowest | ![]() | 5D Eye tracking with aberration removal | Max tissue saving | 50,000 |
SMILE In Shakarpur | 7 days | Low | ![]() | Laser used to extract eye tissue for vision correction | 82,000 |
Top LASIK Surgery Doctors in Shakarpur

Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma, LASIK

Retina Specialist

Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma, LASIK

Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma
10,000+ Successful LASIK Surgeries Performed

“I recently had lasik surgery done at EyeMantra in Shakarpur and I am so happy with the results! The whole experience was incredibly professional, from start to finish. The staff were extremely friendly and knowledgeable, the facilities were modern and clean, and the procedure itself was quick and painless. I have already noticed a huge improvement in my vision, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. EyeMantra is definitely the place to go for excellent eye care! Highly recommended!“
– Pooja Mehta
Frequently Asked Questions
If you’re searching for a viable vision correction solution to eradicate, or diminish your need of glasses or contact lenses, then LASIK surgery is ideal. An excimer laser gently remoulds the cornea with computer-controlled precision to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. Have a glimpse at our Lasik Surgery locations in India today!
If you’re looking to get LASIK surgery in Shakarpur, Eye Mantra offers an unprecedented starting cost of just Rs 15,000/- per eye! For more advanced procedures like PRK, Bladeless, SmartSurf and Smile the rate may rise up to a still-affordable Rs. 50 000/eye. Furthermore if you have health insurance coverage opt for Lasik under that plan as well; even better: our EMI options start from only Rs 500/ month!
The duration of LASIK surgery for each eye usually falls within the 15-20 minute range and depends on your particular vision problem.
While LASIK is a safe and US FDA approved procedure, similar to any other surgical intervention, there is an infinitesimal chance of complications occurring
Absolutely not! LASIK surgery is practically painless—in fact, over 95% of patients from Shakarpur have reported no discomfort post-surgery.